Coincasa | Ljubljana Šiška | Supernova

Elevate your home with Italian quality and style.


Opening hours
Monday 09.00 - 21.00
Tuesday 09.00 - 21.00
Wednesday 09.00 - 21.00
Thursday 09.00 - 21.00
Friday 09.00 - 21.00
Saturday 09.00 - 21.00
Sunday Closed
Cesta Ljubljanske brigade 33
1000 Ljubljana
Cash, Credit Card, Supernova Gift Card
Cesta Ljubljanske brigade 33
1000 Ljubljana
Cash, Credit Card, Supernova Gift Card
Do -50%
Popust v trgovini Coincasa
Valid on 12. February 2025

Bombažne brisače do -50%.

*Popusti se med seboj ne seštevajo. Popusti veljajo do razprodaje zalog.

Popusti za upokojence v trgovini Coincasa
Valid on 30. January 2024

Ste tudi Vi med tistimi, ki počakate na popuste? Odlično novico imamo za Vas. V Coincasi smo pripravili ugodnosti za upokojence, vsak četrtek -10% na celotni nakup.

Čudoviti dodatki za kuhinjo, predpasniki, prti, skodelice, krožniki, pripomočki za kopalnico, brisače, odeje, rjuhe, blazine .. še in še. Za vsakega se najde nekaj. Osvežite kuhinjo, spalnico, svoj dom in nakupujte z znižanjem. Ugodna in kvalitetna ter hkrati edinstvena ponudba vas čaka v Coincasi.

Obiščite nas in se prepričajte sami. Lepo vabljeni v Supernovo Šiška, nasproti Mercatorja.

*popusti se med seboj ne seštevajo, popust ne velja na že znižane izdelke

Coincasa brings inspiration for a stylish home

Discover exquisite home products embodying the hallmark of Italian quality and style at Coincasa. Nestled in Supernova Ljubljana Šiška, Coincasa is a hidden sanctuary for enthusiasts of interior design and impeccably curated homes. Immerse yourself in a unique home furnishing experience where tradition, innovation, and superior design seamlessly intertwine.

The Coincasa brand crafts an authentic Italian lifestyle with quality and stylish home accessories. From high-quality furniture to decorative pieces, Coincasa effortlessly allows you to adorn your kitchen, bathroom, and every corner of your home with your unique flair.

Love a fragrant home? Dive into the exclusive collection of home fragrances featuring the latest scents from Yankee Candle, Millefiori, Woodwick, Maison Berger, and handmade scented candles from My Temple. They bring a delightful atmosphere and a special touch to every space.

Equip your home with taste and don't miss out on the latest trends and ongoing promotions at Coincasa!

Coincasa: Infusing Every Space with Italian Elegance

Coincasa stands as the epitome of premium interior decor and home products. Starting from 2024, the exclusive range of home essentials awaits you at Supernova.

With over fifty years of crafting home products, Coincasa offers an authentic Italian living experience. Quality products, inspired by global trends and modern living, effortlessly blend with the unique Italian style. Premium materials, intricate details, and innovative combinations create timeless contemporary elegance for every home. Ever-evolving collections tell a vibrant story of living, while a vast array of dynamic styles ensures a unique home experience for every taste.

Coincasa gathers under its wing brands that reflect history and talent, offering the best in "Made in Italy" products. From premium home textiles, fragrances, and furniture to decor items, Coincasa brings quality and beautiful design to your home.

Adorn your home with timeless Italian elegance.